Bundles: What To Do With Your Design Time

Redman recently announced the addition of Update Bundles and Monthly Maintenance Packages that make it easy for you to save on our design and content update services. These bundled hours are great ways to improve the interior areas and body content of your website to encourage a

6 Ways To Boost Your Traffic Thru Facebook Likes

Want to increase your online exposure and your real estate business? Let’s dig right in and take a look at these tips on getting more of those elusive Facebook Business Page ‘likes’ and watch how your traffic boosts up: 1. Promote to Your Friends. One powerful resource

An Introduction to Open Data

Local, state, and national governments all over the world have begun to participate in a movement known as Open Data. The idea behind Open Data is to let citizens, non-profits, and corporations have access to the public information collected or maintained by government. The number of governments