Redman Blog- Subject Line

Why Do Subject Lines Matter?

People often underestimate the power and the importance of an email Subject Line. Truth be told, your Subject Line is the one piece of your electronic message with the strongest impact. Now, before you scoff at that statement and continue on with your Subject Line Massacres—consider the following.

“The best email line will make the cut when your potential leads are skimming their inbox.”

Think about it. Your clients receive a constant flow of emails everyday, from promotional offers to online bills. So if you think they will take the time to open each message that lands in their Inbox you are sadly mistaken. The good news is that your email can be one of the few they open! How? By making your Subject Line is specific and creative while wooing your clients.

What Are Good Subject Lines For Emails?

You want to attract the interest of its recipient and spark their curiosity. Just enough that they click on the message. For example, lets say you’re writing a monthly newsletter to send to a list of subscribers. In this newsletter, you talk about a new condo development and list some home decoration tips. You can use any of the following Subject Lines:

  1. New City Condos Coming Soon!
  2. Make Your Home Shine With These Decor Tips
  3. City Condos On The Rise
  4. Decor Tips You’ll ♥ and Condos You’ll Want!

What Should I Avoid In A Subject Line?

Think of your Subject Line as the summary of your email. This summary must be less than 50 characters to make a solid impression on the recipient and don’t worry about inserting a call-to-action in the Subject Line. That’s what the content of your message is for! After all, your message’s body will keep them engaged and hopefully nurture your prospects. I hope not to catch any Redman clients using these:
Subject Line = Good Email

  • Excessive Punctuation!!!!!!!
  • Bad gramarr
  • Very long winded subject lines that go on and on and on and on….and on!
  • Scammy-looking keywords such as FREE, CHEAP, HELP, REMINDER
  • Blank Subject Lines

This rule is universal to newsletter, emails, and other online communications. So let’s keep our Subject Lines classy, creative, and to the point. Remember that when you’re sending a message to potential customers online you’re establishing a relationship. For more great tips and advice, stay tuned to this blog!

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