The online world is a community. So, think of your real estate website as a house within the internet community. In order to give your house proper maintenance, you must understand how it operates.

In this series, Redman will answer the questions: Why are domains important? Why choose .CA or .COM? Or more importantly, what is the difference between a domain name and a website? (Yes, there is a difference). This information is important for REALTORS® to know and understand before selecting a real estate website. Since your website is like your home, REALTORS® must be prepared to receive visitors.

A domain name reflects one’s identity and in the Real Estate world, identity is essential. Comprehension of this subject will help you better market your brand.

How To Purchase Your Own Online Home

When you purchase a website through Redman, simply let us know what domain name you would like to use. After checking on its availability, we will register that domain under you and begin the website design process. We offer a wide range of website options from the basic Redman Fusion, to a the 100% custom website Advantage Custom. For more information on Redman’s products and services or to purchase a website contact Redman sales rep today.

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