Marketing is changing and for the better.  With traditional methods such as Bus Benches or Newspaper Ads, it was always difficult to know what was working and what wasn’t.  Technological improvements have now given us the ability to actually track the success of campaigns, and see if the money going in is resulting in money coming out.

Email Marketing is a great example of this, and can also provide you with valuable information about your clients.  You can track who is opening your messages, who is clicking on links and visiting your website, and most importantly, which of your campaigns are resulting in leads.

Emails go direct to the clients on your subscriber list (which should be carefully curated to ensure accurate tracking and also to ensure you are following CANSPAM/CASL regulations), at least half of whom will be opening this right on their smartphone meaning you actually have their undivided attention for at least a moment.  What a opportunity to make an impression!


Not Convinced?

77% of clients surveyed preferred receiving emails to other types of marketing

58% check their email first thing in the morning


How to Improve your Emails

  • Make your Subject Line clear and concise. 40-60 Character Length results in better Open Rates.
  • Emails sent on Tuesdays get the best Open Rates.
  • Emails sent on Fridays have the best Click Through Rates.
  • Email Open Rates are highest from 2pm-5pm in the afternoon.
  • Use A/B Testing to ensure you are sending the strongest message to the most amount of people.
  • Make sure there is a Call To Action, perhaps bringing the client to your website, or allowing Sign Up.


Improving your emails, and as a result, your Open Rates & Click Through Rates, you will bring more people to your website, and you will convert more leads and close more deals!


Good Luck!

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