Screen Shot 2016-06-28 at 9.26.20 AMHere at Redman, our team has been working hard to bring our ever popular Condo Module Add-on to Edmonton, and we are pleased to announce that we have succeeded! Edmonton Realtors® on our Pro level websites will now able to showcase every available condo for sale! This add-on makes it easy for visitors to see
specific information for particular buildings and developments so they can find the right Screen Shot 2016-06-28 at 9.28.01 AMcondo building for them. What’s more is that you can also personalize the module! You can show off your condo expertise by adding your own content and images for that hot new development/building you’re selling units in.
If you’re interested in adding the Condo Module to your Edmonton or Calgary Redman website, contact our sales team today or give us a call at 1-866-425-0022 ext 2.

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