Top 5 Social Media Trends in 2014: Part Two

Crystal Ball
No we aren’t psychics; however, we’ve combined our experience, professional knowledge, research, and acute observation skills to compile this list of predictions for 2014. This is the second portion of a 2 part blog on Social Media trends in 2014.

4) I Predict A Stronger Shift Towards Inbound Marketing
Let’s face it, nowadays you can’t go anywhere without seeing an ad. While some of them are less intrusive (such as product placements during a movie) most of them are in-your-face. As more annoyed consumers continue to ignore advertisements, the demand for creative marketing tactics will increase.

How can REALTORS® benefit from this trend?
Instead of soliciting clients, poking the market for leads with paper brochures, and marketing yourself in an intrusive manner…make yourself easy to find! Use social media, SEO, and your online website to send the message, “I’m here when you need me” rather than, “buy a home with me right NOW.” So when Jim Jahooba from down the street needs a real estate agent you will appear at the top of his search.
5) I See More Real Estate Videos The Future.
There’s a video momentum happening that will continue into 2014. Twitter, Vine, Instagram, YouTube— everyone’s doing videos!

How can REALTORS® benefit from this trend?
Videos and micro-videos are on the rise! Whether its a listing video, promotional video, video testimonial, or a 1 minute stand-up giving tips for homeowners— get in front of a camera and connect with your online viewers. If you need some inspiration or motivation check out RE/MAX Is Wack. I rarely say the following but this film is truly brilliant.

Keep these trend predictions in mind when you develop your 2014 Marketing plan. If you need any further advice, give us a call— we’re here to help you whenever you need us!

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