Top 5 Social Media Trend Predictions: Part One

Redman Social Media
1) Social Media will have a stronger impact in the SEO world 
Think of Search Engine Optimization as a jigsaw puzzle… there’s numerous techniques (or puzzle pieces) that must come together to form the big picture. Three of those puzzle pieces are: content, links, and social media. This year, we’re going to see a wider ripple effect of social platforms on websites.
How can REALTORS® benefit from this trend?
A tech-savvy agent with an understanding of social media is better equipped when marketing themselves online. Connect with your prospects, current clients, and past clients on more than one social media stream. It’s the 21st-Century way to generate leads, convert leads to clients, communicate with current clients, and grow your referrals! (By the way, it’s also extremely cost effective as most social media sites are free to sign up).

2) I predict more pressure to pay for ads in 2014.
Before you whip out your wallet and grab your credit card, it is important to note your your website’s traffic VS its conversion rate. If you set up a PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising campaign with Facebook or Google you will likely receive more visitors to your website. However, if your website has poor content and a tacky design, visitors will click away within the first two seconds.
How can REALTORS® benefit from this trend?
Before you allocate a budget towards paid advertisements, make sure your website is “ready” for higher traffic volumes. (You want to retain most of the traffic). Keep in mind that with this rising trend comes higher competition— so you need to stand above the rest.

Google Plus

3) The Continuing Rise of Google Plus Will Greatly Affect Other Social Media Platforms.
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again: if you don’t jump on the Google Plus train, you’ll be kicking yourself by the end of the year. If this is unchartered territory for you, check out some of our past blogs about Google Plus or give us a call.
How can REALTORS® benefit from this trend?
Stay ahead of the game! If you’re on various social media platforms, you can increase your online exposure. This will then provide you with additional lead opportunities!

For more advice and information on our services and what you can do to navigate the social media world, contact a Redman Brand Ambassador today. Stay tuned to this series for the rest of my Social Media predictions in 2014!

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