Agents: you can accomplish so much in a very small time-span. All you need is a little perseverance!! Don't Give Up
Even though it doesn’t look that way right now, with the freshly-fallen snow and cold, the spring months are right around the corner. As usual the warmer weather will also heat up the real estate markets, resulting in an excitingly busy April, May, June, and July. Prior to mid-April, tackle those items on your to-do list, gear up, and organize yourself for the busy months ahead. By doing so, you will place yourself one step ahead of the game and be ready for the real estate climb.

The same thing applies to growing your business- although the overall process takes time, you can increase productivity, leads and your team’s sales in one month. Start with developing a strategy, within this plan set up long and short term goals. Delegate tasks when necessary and if you come across a bump on the road keep pushing through. Review at the end of a month, see what you did right or wrong and move forward.

Other things you can accomplish in one month’s time:

  • Quit smoking
  • Update your real estate website through a Redman bundle
  • Lose weight
  • Take up a hobby such as cooking or yoga.
  • Take a Redman training session on content management or blogging.

At the very least you could get started on the path towards something amazing, so the possibilities of what you can do in a month are endless!

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